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Split Hero

Update 1.6

We've been hard at work and are pleased to announce an update to both the Split Hero platform and pushed out an update to our plugin taking us to Version 1.6.

So let's jump into those changes!

New Dashboard

We always knew the dashboard once you logged in was lacking. This has now been improved and will continue to be improved based on user feedback. This really is just the first step to a more awesome dashboard!


So we have given the plugin some love both behind the scenes and on the front end just to make things a little bit slicker and easier for new users. It's also prepping for some exciting things we have in mind to integrate some new features/integrations.

Behind the Scenes

For new users, we've set up auto-cache flushing of the site's cache when they first install and activate the Split Hero plugin. This only happens once on the first activation to ensure Split Hero sets itself up correctly without user intervention and after that, you're good to jump straight into setting up a campaign.

Auto-cache flushing currently supports Autoptimize, Breeze, Cache Enabler, GoDaddy Hosting, Hummingbird, Kinsta, LiteSpeed Cache, Pagely, Pantheon, SiteGround Hosting, Swift Performance, W3 Total Cache, WPEngine Hosting, WP Fastest Cache, WP Super Cache.

If you feel we are missing any important caching plugin/system, please submit this to our roadmap.

Plugin Front-End

A small change on the plugin list, we added a 'Settings' link on the plugin for easy access. No more second-guessing or hunting where the settings page for Split Hero is. Psst... It's under Settings > Split Hero.

We've also revamped the settings page itself into 3 stages to make it clear to everyone but also new users.

So what's next?

If you come across any bugs don't hesitate to report them using the chat bubble in the bottom right of Split Hero and we will get those sorted ASAP.

We have some great ideas for features and integrations but really we want to hear from our users about what's important to them. I can't promise we will integrate every suggestion but we do want to hear them.

If you could take the time to visit our roadmap and click feature requests where if you have any ideas please submit them, likewise if you like any current suggestions, please upvote them. It really helps us prioritize what's important.

Two key features we are considering, which you can find on the roadmap feature requests, are;

  • WooCommerce Integration - so you can select the Order Received endpoint in Woo as a conversion goal trigger during campaign setup.

  • CartFlows - Split Test all your cart flows pages and trigger conversion goal on successful purchase.

Let us know what you think!

Adam Lacey
Hi 👋 I'm the founder of Split Hero. I love chatting about conversion rate optimisation and all things tech. I'm a self-confessed geek. I love pizza, the seaside and Disney World. I live in Somerset, UK with my wife, daughter and dog Loki.
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